The Hurley Reformed Church
“Qui cantat, bis orat”
He who sings, prays twice!
—St. Augustine
Music plays an integral role in worship at the Hurley Reformed Church. Congregational hymns, choir, junior choir, cherub choir, soloists and ad hoc small groups all contribute to lifting a joyful noise to our Lord. The style of our worship music is largely traditional, with some contemporary praise songs and guitar accompaniment.
Our junior and senior choirs are under the direction of Mr. Lonnie Kulick,
who also serves as the organist. Junior choir is for children in 3rd through 9th grades, and meets for rehearsal Sunday mornings immediately following the worship service. Senior choir welcomes all other adolescent and adult singers and meets Thursday evenings at 7:30. New members are always welcome. There are no auditions required, only a desire to lift one’s voice in praise. Young people and adults with instrumental experience are encouraged to share their talents with the congregation as well.
Music Program Mission Statement
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