Welcome to the Hurley Reformed Church's web page. We invite you to come and join us in worship and fellowship in Christ's name.

Our mission is to serve Christ by serving our community and the world, inviting all people to share God's love.

Through our worship, education, fellowship and service we are to nurture God's people in their faith, develop their gifts of the Spirit and equip them to go forth and share the gospel of God's love in Christ Jesus.

To assure that this fellowship remains a vital force in our daily lives and in our community we faithfully commit the time, talent and treasures that God has entrusted to us.


Christmas Schedule


O Come, Let Us Adore Him

You and Your family are invited to join us to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ in our Christmas Eve Services, December 24:

7:00pm - A service of Carols and Candles to welcome the Light that comes in the Christ Child

9:30pm - We celebrate His birth with a service of Carols, Candles, and Celebration of the Lord’s Supper

Christmas Worship, Sunday, December 25, 2011 at 10:00am

Experience the Wonder in the beauty of the season as we join together in the sanctuary to welcome Him as the Babe of Bethlehem who comes to give us joy and peace, this night and all year long.


Holiday Open House at the Parsonage

Sunday, December 18th

4:00 – 6:00pm

Please come and share a bit of eggnog and fellowship.

Fall Activities for Women

Have you signed up yet? The Ladies Tea is Saturday, Oct 1st.  Enjoy the music of special guest Ricki Herb and hear what's new for woman at Hurley this year. Tickets are just $5. Sign up today at coffee hour.  

Woman of all ages are invited to take part in the Woman to Woman Mentoring ministry. If you have felt a nudge to be a mentor in another Christian woman's life, or have been feeling a need to talk with another woman who will encourage and support you, then this program is for you. Stop by our table at coffee hour or contact Karen at 339-4908 to complete a profile card.   Program begins on October 24th @7:00 at the church.

Are you "Loving Well"? Join us for first Loving Well Retreat, featuring a DVD series by Beth Moore. It will be Friday Nov 4th 5:30PM - 9:00PM and Sat Nov 5th 8AM - 2:00PM. The cost is $35. Continental breakfast and lunch is included. Tickets available at coffee hour; last date for sign up is Oct. 23rd. See Karen Schiff for details or call 339-4908. 

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