Welcome to the Hurley Reformed Church's web page. We invite you to come and join us in worship and fellowship in Christ's name.

Our mission is to serve Christ by serving our community and the world, inviting all people to share God's love.

Through our worship, education, fellowship and service we are to nurture God's people in their faith, develop their gifts of the Spirit and equip them to go forth and share the gospel of God's love in Christ Jesus.

To assure that this fellowship remains a vital force in our daily lives and in our community we faithfully commit the time, talent and treasures that God has entrusted to us.


Thanksgiving Eve Service

 thanksgiving eve

Election Day Turkey Dinner

Turkey dinner 2015 

Women's Tea

 ladies tea

Plant Sale Cancelled

Stone Pony Chicken BBQ


Women's Ministry Bible Study

 Women's Bible Study

The Women's Ministry Bible Study will meet on August 11 and again on August 25 at 1 pm in the Dutch Room. Our study will focus on the lives of women in the Bible and how their stories still have meaning for us in the modern world. In addition to the Bible itself, we will use the book A Lineage of Grace: Five Stories of Unlikely Women Who Changed Eternity by Francine Rivers as a resource to guide our study. Each of the women presented in the book formed an important link in the lineage of Jesus Christ .We will explore the context of their lives, read the relevant Scripture and discuss together key questions which arise from the readings. Every woman who attends the Bible study is encouraged to fully share in the presentation of the lesson and resulting conversations. 

Refreshments will be served at the next meeting. 

For further information or to join the study, please contact Nancy Sweeney, group coordinator, at 336-5267 or email her at sweeney.n11@gmail.com. Come be a part of our journey of faith, learning and friendship!

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