Welcome to the Hurley Reformed Church's web page. We invite you to come and join us in worship and fellowship in Christ's name.

Our mission is to serve Christ by serving our community and the world, inviting all people to share God's love.

Through our worship, education, fellowship and service we are to nurture God's people in their faith, develop their gifts of the Spirit and equip them to go forth and share the gospel of God's love in Christ Jesus.

To assure that this fellowship remains a vital force in our daily lives and in our community we faithfully commit the time, talent and treasures that God has entrusted to us.


Youth Group Trip


The Youth Group leaves Tuesday, July 21, 2015 on a mission trip to Jicarilla Reformed Church in Dulce, New Mexico.  They will teach a Vacation Bibile School and help with home repairs and maintenance.  Godspeed.  Come home safe.  Pictures to follow.

Stone House Day

 spy house

Stone House Day

July 11, 2015  10am- 4 pm  Rain or Shine


or Facebook

Happy Father's Day

Happy Father's Day 


Happy Father's Day to all the great Dads!!!

Big Breakfast 2015

big breakfast


PotLuck Luncheon


 May 17, 2015

After Worship Service

All are welcomed to attend.

Bring a dish to share as well as your place setting.

Enjoy a wonderful fellowship time.


Raspberry Fiddlers

raspberry fiddlers


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