The Hurley Reformed Church

Congregational Survey Results


Who completed the survey?

470 surveys were sent out or picked up

127 surveys were completed and returned (27.07%)

Members, Adherents, and Sunday School students were encouraged to participate in the survey.

Of the survey responses

86.6% were members of the HRC

13.4% nonmembers

58% female

42% male

Responses by age

  7.6%... under 20 years old

    .8% … 20 to 34

24.4% … 35 to 49

28.6% … 50 to 64

38.7%... 65 plus


   .9%... African-American

   .9%... Asian American

98.2%... White


33.3%... Retired

30.8%... Professional

13.7%... Business owner

13.7%... Other

  8.5%... Homemaker


               34.5%... College Degree

            26.10%... Advanced Degree

            25.20%... Post high school attendance

              7.60%... High School Graduate

              5.80%... Attending HS/Elem school

                .80%... INA

Length of drive to attend church

59.3%... Less than 5 miles

28%... Five to 10 miles

12.7%... 11 to 20 miles


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