Woman's Guild
The Woman’s Guild spans some 7 decades. The goal of the Guild women is to promote, support and serve the church and community. Educational, devotional, social and benevolent programs provide the venue for accomplishing this goal.
Monthly meetings held on the 3rd Tuesday of the month and often include guest speakers from local service organizations or other religious denominations. Other activities include plant exchanges, floral arranging lessons, and musical or Biblical trivia.
Functioning under the auspices of the Guild is a very active Prayer Chain. Meeting monthly to update prayer requests, the 15 women of this group individually pray daily for a myriad of people and concerns. Meals are also provided for families who temporarily need assistance as well as preparing luncheons for bereaved families following a funeral. A growing Cradle Roll extends the celebration of Baptism to twice yearly remembrances of the covenant of Baptism made by the families of young children. The women extend their outreach into the community by hosting an annual church birthday celebration and a Mom and Pop covered dish dinner.
Fund raising activities to support the works of the church include an annual Cookie Walk welcoming in the holiday season and a Country Fair, complementing the July, Stone House Day. The women also participate in a quilters group, which creates beautiful heirloom coverings. These are auctioned off to lucky families. Proceeds from these activities are given back to nonprofit organizations in the community as well as to RCA sponsored groups.
The Women’s Guild may be contacted through the church office at 845-331-4121
or by email.
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