The Hurley Reformed Church

Worship Times and Weekly Events

Sunday Worship Services

7:30 a.m. - Sunday Radio Program: WKNY 1490 AM - Music, Prayers and Mini Sermon
by Rev. Charles E. Stickley, Pastor Emeritus

10:00 a.m. - Sunday Services, with nursery program and a
Church School for ages 2 years through high school.

Communion is celebrated on the first Sunday of each month.

11:00 a.m. - Junior Choir meets after worship and sings on the forth Sunday of the nonth.

Bible Study

7:00 a.m. Wednesday mornings in the Dutch Room
7:00 p.m. Tuesday evenings in the Parsonage


9:30 a.m. Monday in the Guild Room

Thursday Choir Practice

7:30 p.m. - The choir meets in the Dutch Room at the Church to practice for Sunday services and special events.


For additional events and activities please contact the church office at 845-331-4121.

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